Warning: The magic method ElatedCore\CPT\PostTypesRegister::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/alkhairi/public_html/tk/wp-content/plugins/eltdf-core/post-types/post-types-register.php on line 28

Warning: The magic method ElatedfLMS\CPT\PostTypesRegister::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/alkhairi/public_html/tk/wp-content/plugins/eltdf-lms/post-types/post-types-register.php on line 30

Warning: The magic method ElatedfWoocommerceCheckoutIntegration::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/alkhairi/public_html/tk/wp-content/plugins/eltdf-woocommerce-checkout-integration/lib/eltdf-class-woocomerce-checkout-integration.php on line 40

Warning: The magic method GAINWP_Manager::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/alkhairi/public_html/tk/wp-content/plugins/ga-in/gainwp.php on line 78

Warning: The magic method Vc_Manager::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/alkhairi/public_html/tk/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/include/classes/core/class-vc-manager.php on line 203

Warning: The magic method eSmartsElatedNamespace\Modules\Header\Lib\HeaderFactory::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/alkhairi/public_html/tk/wp-content/themes/esmarts/framework/modules/header/lib/header-factory.php on line 38

Warning: The magic method ElatedCore\Lib\ShortcodeLoader::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/alkhairi/public_html/tk/wp-content/plugins/eltdf-core/lib/shortcode-loader.php on line 26

Warning: The magic method ElatedfLMS\Lib\ShortcodeLoader::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/alkhairi/public_html/tk/wp-content/plugins/eltdf-lms/lib/shortcode-loader.php on line 28

Warning: The magic method ElatedMembership\Lib\ShortcodeLoader::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/alkhairi/public_html/tk/wp-content/plugins/eltdf-membership/lib/shortcode-loader.php on line 28
Istianah, S.Pd. | TK Al - Khairiyah

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adip elit, pellentesque turpis.

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Istianah, S.Pd.

  /  Istianah, S.Pd.

Istianah, S.Pd.


Hello! This is my story.

Nama saya, Istianah, S.Pd. Saya seorang Kepala Sekolah di KB-TK Alkhairiyah Surabaya. saya lahir di Lamongan, 23 Juli 1983. saya saat ini menjabat sebagai kepala KB-TK dan mengajar ngaji. Hobi saya bersholawat. Sebagai pendidik saya ingin menjadi panutan anak didik saya dan saya ingin menjadikan anak didik saya berakhlaqul karimah.

My Education

Perguruan Tinggi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya


Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Tahun Lulus

Tahun 2009

My Experience

Taman Pendidikan Al Quran

Kepala dan Guru Mengaji

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